Everything You Must Know About Card Sharing Websites
Card sharing is also referred to as control word sharing. In this method, it enables digital television receivers or multiple clients to have access to a subscription TV network by using only one valid subscription card. This can be achieved by sharing a part of legitimate condition access smart card's output data electronically which allows all recipients to acquire simultaneous access to scrambled DVB streams that are held on encrypted TV network.
Most of the time, legitimate cccam trial smart card is attached to the host digital TV receiver which is equipped with a software program to be able to share the decrypted 64bit control word key over a computer network like the internet. They will be able to decrypt the content that's encrypted as if they're using their own subscription card as soon as the client receives the key.
As a matter of fact, the security of conditional access smart card technology is only limited by the DVB's standard security in which it is operating. Standard practice for legitimate smart card is to decrypt Entitlement Control Message or ECM that will provide control word that allows the viewing of scrambled material. However, through card sharing, the smart card and the security features as well are bypassed. The software is intercepting the decrypted control word and is allowing the user to share it across computer network.
Believe it or not, cccam test card sharing sites have established itself as a common method of pirate decryption. Most development of card sharing hardware and software has took place in Europe wherein the national boundaries mean that home users will be able to receive satellite TV signals from other countries that are not subscribed to them legally due to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.
Because of the fact that the length of complete word is relatively small, the delivery of control words to other client has become quite simple via home internet connection. This has actually sparked the creation of the sharing network groups to which the users can have access to the group via sharing their subscription cards with the group. And in return, they will be able to receive the channels to which all the user's cards could decrypt as if the user owned every subscription card that's connected to the network.
Then again, there are other networks that you will find to which one server has several legitimate subscription cards connected to it. On the other hand, you should know that the accessibility to this server is restricted only to those who pay the subscription fee of the server.
Remember these things to avoid troubles when joining card sharing websites. Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Card_sharing for more info.